Newsletter & Announcements

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Our Congregation’s Mission ~ is sharing God’s Word with everyone, everywhere!

What Topic Will We Tackle Today? ~ Please join us at about 9:30 a.m. this morning for coffee (and other “treats”) followed by time in God’s Word, together with His people, and receive His direction for life!

Summer Sunday School ~ We will continue to have fun learning God’s Word in our Sunday school classes throughout the summer months. Come and join us!

A Midweek Supper ~ will be served this Wednesday, July 17, at 5:30 p.m. Please join us!

Take a Midweek Break ~ with God’s Word and Sacrament and His people this Wednesday beginning at 6:30 p.m. You’ll be blessed by the lift He gives for the rest of your week!

Older Wiser Loving Saints ~ (aged 55+) cool off at our July gathering this Thursday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Watch your email or pick up an info sheet today for all the details about this month’s get-together and then join us!

We are Part of God’s Building Project ~ as described in Ephesians 2:11-22 in our Divine Worship next Sunday, beginning at 8:15 and 11 a.m.! Through His Word and Sacrament, God lays out His plan and energizes us for building. Please join us!

Vacation Bible School (VBS) ~ is one week away! Register your children (ages 4-20) for VBS the week of July 22-26! The registration link is on the church website. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who will make this a hugely successful event.

The Deadline for First Word Articles ~ is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 24. Articles may be emailed to [email protected] or a hard copy placed in The First Word box in the church office.

Thank You ~ to those who signed up to care for the church lawn this summer. Your help in making our grounds look good is appreciated.

A Big Thank You ~ to the Paul Taylor Family and helpers for preparing, setting up, and cleaning up our Midweek Supper last Wednesday. If you would like to help with an upcoming Midweek Supper and/or desserts for a meal, please sign up on the sheets by the kitchen.

Help Needed! ~ First Lutheran School needs to hire an after-care teacher for M/W/F, an after-care assistant for M-F, and substitute teachers for the 2024-25 school year. Please consider helping us fill these positions. Speak with Sue Taylor if you are interested in these positions.

Helena Food Share Items ~ In July, we are again collecting meals in a can (spaghetti, ravioli, chili, hearty soups). Please place any donations under the mailboxes in Ziegler Hall. Thank you!

Giddy-up, Giddy-Up Pard’ners! ~ By the box, bag, or bundle: your clutter and accumulation will be appreciated by shoppers and the recipients of the proceeds generated from the Human Care Garage Sale. The sooner you pack up your items, the sooner you’ll get to appreciate that “ahhhhhhhh” moment of satisfaction. September 14 is not far off. Don’t delay!

On The Lutheran Hour Next Sunday ~ “Unhindered” with Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler. Dr. Jeff Gibbs and podcaster Jessica Bordeleau join Dr. Zeigler to talk about St. Paul’s harrowing journey to Rome (Acts 27 and 28). The Lutheran Hour may be heard Sundays on Christian Satellite Network, 91.1 FM, at 8 a.m., and on Sirius XM 131, Family Talk.

Lutherans for Life ~ “We are each created in God’s image regardless of our abilities. He has called us to be His witnesses in the world. We are blessed for life-that we might be a blessing-glorifying Him in all we do.” Lori Solyom, Director of Development, Voice of Care – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life o

Please Pray for ~

+ Those Needing God’s Help and Healing ~ and other members and friends of our congregation and school dealing with struggles of body and soul!

+ Our Nation and World ~ that God will settle what is so unsettled, raise up leaders who will follow His will, and bring more and more people to faith through His life-changing Word, especially the truths about Jesus, His Son and our living Savior.

+ His Love ~ at just the right time, for our world, our nation, our church, each of us, for we all need it!

+ His Help and Deliverance ~ when we are tempted to doubt our salvation, when our conscience leaves us restless, when guilt weighs on our heart, or when uncertainty has us wondering.

And Praise God for ~

+ Laying on Our Hearts ~ a deep concern for lives in danger in our nation and around the world through each moment of each day.

+ Blessing Us with Tithes, and Offerings, and Gifts ~ for the mission and ministries we carry out together, that we may bless others in Jesus’ Name!

+ Choosing, Redeeming, and Sealing Each of Us ~ to be His own and live under Him in His Kingdom, where He rules for our benefit, in love!

Our Thanks to God ~ and to those who respond to God’s great love, in service to our Lord and to us this Sunday: