Sharing God’s Word with everyone, everywhere!

A Message from Pastor Miller

Pastor’s Potpourri

“As for you, brothers (and sisters),
never tire of doing what is right” (2 Thessalonians 3:13).

“. . . be ready to do whatever is good” (Titus 3:1).

My Fellow-believers in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Getting involved – seems to be a thing of the past! In Dallas, Texas, some years ago, a woman was brutally attacked in broad daylight, along a busy street, while tens of people watched, yet not one offered even an ounce of help. Why? They said they didn’t want to “get involved.”

Sadly, today, the same not wanting to be involved is plaguing the church at large and even our own congregation. “Let someone else do it – I’m too old” Is one complaint. Conversely, “That requires more experience and knowledge than I have had” is offered as an excuse. The bottom line, so to speak, in most cases, is simply that because I have so little to gain – I don’t want to get involved.

Personally, I praise God our heavenly Father that His Son didn’t “not want to get involved” when it came to me and my sinful life. Jesus, knowing the costs, got involved by suffering and dying for the times when I didn’t want to get involved in what was good and pure and right, and for the times when I was involved in what was not right. Jesus got involved for me and for you and for everyone everywhere – and it cost Him His very life!

Since in this marvelous way He is involved in my life – why wouldn’t I also want to be involved – and get involved for Him? Since His Holy Spirit empowers me and prepares me with special gifts and talents and abilities why would I not get involved in His exciting kingdom work?

Today and always, I praise all who are involved in our congregation and school and ministries in so many very special ways! I praise God for their commitment, their energy, their generous sharing of resources of time for God’s glory and for the good of His Church and every believer in it!

What about you? Are you getting involved in God’s great work? Are you giving of yourself for the One who gave all Himself, in love for you?

The next time you are challenged to work for God’s Kingdom and help further His plan, please don’t just stand-by and look-on. Please don’t let somebody else do it! But, in response to God’s super-abundant love for you in Jesus Christ – please do get involved!

If you would like to learn of some ways you can be further involved in our congregation and school and our ministries, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would love to work with you to discover new ways to get involved!

If you are looking for a church home, we encourage you to consider First Luther! We love to share the Good News of our Savior and the help that God’s Word gives to our everyday lives! Our congregation consists of people like you from every part of our nation. People seeking a sense of belonging and an opportunity for worship, growth and fellowship. May you find grace and blessing in the time we spend together. We would love to tell you more about our congregation.

First Lutheran School provides a Christian education that nurtures the spiritual, intellectual, and personal growth of each child. The school provides another means for First Lutheran Church to bring the Word and love of God in Christ Jesus to more families.

Special thanks to those in the Armed Forces! We welcome our military and others far from home. We pray for you.