A Message from Pastor Miller
Pastor’s Potpourri
a mixture of comments concerning our life together in Christ!
Pre-Confirmation Classes
for Bible readers in grades 2-5
Confirmation Classes
for students in grades 6-8
for students and parents
Wednesday, September 4 after Worship
in the Sanctuary.
Classes Begin
Wednesday, September 11 at 3:30 p.m.
Call Us in the Church Office
to register and for answers!
Membership Classes for Adults**
High School -&-
College-aged Students
We plan to begin in September! Meeting days and times to be set according to participants’ schedules.
For further information,
or to express your interest in participating please contact us
in the church office (442-5367).
(** Those preparing for membership
and those who are already members.)
Our Adult Bible Study for autumn
+ Galatians! +
Sundays ~ 9:30ish ~ in the Fellowship Centre
Our September
O.W.L.S.* event
Thursday, September 19
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Details will be announced!
*Older Wiser Loving Saints
are 55ish and older!
Admidst all the Busyness
what is most crucial for us, as God’s people is NOT what we do
but the truth of what God has done for us
– HIS saving activity –
in Jesus Christ, our Lord!
“God shows his love for us in that while
we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8
Rich blessings as we live through these times with Jesus and His mercy,
His grace, and His love!
In CHRIST alone,
If you are looking for a church home, we encourage you to consider First Luther! We love to share the Good News of our Savior and the help that God’s Word gives to our everyday lives! Our congregation consists of people like you from every part of our nation. People seeking a sense of belonging and an opportunity for worship, growth and fellowship. May you find grace and blessing in the time we spend together. We would love to tell you more about our congregation.
First Lutheran School provides a Christian education that nurtures the spiritual, intellectual, and personal growth of each child. The school provides another means for First Lutheran Church to bring the Word and love of God in Christ Jesus to more families.
Special thanks to those in the Armed Forces! We welcome our military and others far from home. We pray for you.