Sharing God’s Word with everyone, everywhere!

Vacation Bible School: Celebrate the Savior!

When: Monday, July 22, 2024 to Friday, July 26, 2024
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Register Now to be a Participant or Volunteer!


Confirmation Faith Stories


A Father like No Other!

Pastor’s Page – a Devotion
from the pen of Pastor Miller

Years ago, a president of the United States encouraged fathers to “Take time to be a dad today.” I appreciate the encouragement, for it’s true that a stable society stems from a stable home.

Not all homes are “stable”. In fact, I would go so far as to say that no homes are entirely stable. Perhaps there are spells of “peace time,” but how long is it before that golden silence is broken with the cries of sadness, suffering or loss?

The truth is, unfortunately, that’s the way it will always be this side of heaven. The devil continually lurks and prowls to pull you away from God. Read the book of Job and you’ll see him doing his best. The sinful world around us launches its best to distract us with earthquakes, fires, floods, famines… And then there’s the old sinful nature which creeps up and convinces us we’re doing just fine. “You don’t have to take time to be a dad today (or mom or child). You can do whatever makes you feel best.” Wham-o! Before you realize it-that peace is turned upside down.

At times like this, the best advice I, or anyone, could give is: “Take time to be with your Heavenly Father.” He’s a Father like no other. We can be with Him as we read and study and hear and share His Word, as we worship Him around His Word and Sacraments, and as we pray to Him and praise His Name.

Not only did He create you but He has also promised to provide for you and protect you all your days. Read about His love and concern for the birds and the flowers and for you in Matthew 6:25-34. The birds and the flowers don’t worry where their next meal comes from, yet the Father provides for them. How much more valuable are you than they!

When we take time with our Heavenly Father to seek his face in the Scriptures, He settles our fears with His mercy and forgiveness and the great Good News of Jesus Christ and our salvation in Him, because of all that He has done for us.

Now He quiets the storms of life. He restores your soul and creates that steadfast spirit within you. Let’s take time, not just this Father’s Day, but every day, with our heavenly Father. He’s a father like no other!

Blessings to all fathers – and others, Pas+or Miller

If you are looking for a church home, we encourage you to consider First Luther! We love to share the Good News of our Savior and the help that God’s Word gives to our everyday lives! Our congregation consists of people like you from every part of our nation. People seeking a sense of belonging and an opportunity for worship, growth and fellowship. May you find grace and blessing in the time we spend together. We would love to tell you more about our congregation.

First Lutheran School provides a Christian education that nurtures the spiritual, intellectual, and personal growth of each child. The school provides another means for First Lutheran Church to bring the Word and love of God in Christ Jesus to more families.

Special thanks to those in the Armed Forces! We welcome our military and others far from home. We pray for you.